You Won't Find Out Why The Young Madam Left

Shui Anluo stared at Maid Yu, emotionally moved. Her heart was overflowing with gratitude.

"Does Chu Ningyi know?"

Maid Yu carried her things and followed Shui Anluo upstairs. "Who cares about him? Besides, the Madam had instructed me to take care of the Little Master. Wherever the Little Master goes, I go with him," Maid Yu scoffed.

Maid Yu remembered what An Fengyang had told her yesterday and felt even more certain that her young master really lacked a good beating. Someone really should take care of him.

Once Shui Anluo arrived home, she placed the little darling in his exclusive annex. As Qiao Yaruan had stayed here previously, the room was still very clean and there was no need to tidy up.

Shui Anluo opened the curtains and allowed the sunlight to shine in, breathing a little more life into the room.

Sunlight entered the room, causing the hungover man to knit his brows.

Chu Ningyi woke up and smacked his head.