It Seemed That He Had Really Done Wrong

Qiao Yaruan, who had just left the dormitory, lost her balance and nearly fell headfirst to the ground when she heard Chu Ningyi's question. She only fully realized what she had heard after she supported herself against a wall and steadied herself.

'Oh my god...'

She was absolutely certain that no one has ever seen such a cute side of Director Chu. His small, aggrieved voice was indeed a critical weapon that could make anyone forgive him in an instant.

It was just unfortunate that she was not the person who needs to forgive him.

"Director Chu? Can you wait a moment? Let me get back to my dormitory and sit on the bed first before we continue our talk, alright?" She was afraid that she might end up tripping onto the ground if she heard any more terrifying words.

Chu Ningyi frowned but did not say anything.