He's A Guest

A clear breeze fluttered between the pair. Shui Anluo was wearing a short-sleeved cheongsam so it was unavoidable that she felt a little cold.

Chu Ningyi kept staring at her as he watched her every move.

What did he know aside from threats?

Since when were threats the only thing that he knew to use against her?

Chu Ningyi took his coat off when Shui Anluo began to shiver and draped it over her shoulders. He then wrapped his arms around her and escorted her into the car.

"Perhaps, Shui Anluo," Chu Ningyi pushed her into the car but did not leave immediately. Instead, he pressed his hands against the car door with the top half of his body stopped inside the car. "No one else but you is deserving of my threats," Chu Ningyi murmured. He got up, closed the door, and walked past the car to the other side of the vehicle.