This Spilled Dog Food Has Caught Her Off Guard

When Qiao Yaruan had rushed from Shui Anluo's house to the hotel and from the hotel to this place, this was what she saw — Director Chu carefully feeding porridge to the woman on the bed. He would feed her a bit then wipe her mouth. No matter how one looks at it, he looked like he was feeding a baby.

Qiao Yaruan shivered. Indeed, this Director Chu who had descended to the mortal realm was not normal.

Shui Anluo's eagle eyes spotted Qiao Yaruan who was standing at the doorway. She quickly waved her hand and called out to her, "What're you doing here, Empress Dowager?"

Qiao Yaruan shrugged and walked in. "I went to your house and Maid Yu told me that you've gone out for a party. After I arrived at the hotel, I found out about what had happened. Are you alright?"

Shui Anluo shrugged. She was not the one having issues, it was the epileptic woman.