Daggers Drawn

She could not have chili while she was breast-feeding!

Chu Ningyi slowly looked up but his eyes were filled with an icy chill. However, there was a sense of annoyance in his icy hill. She could not have chili yet he did not know it.

However, he was even more aware that this was Mo Lusu's counterattack toward him because... He did not know!

After an emotional roller coaster, Chu Ningyi soon understood everything.

Back when Shui Anluo had just returned to his side, she had suffered from acute gastroenteritis because she had eaten chili. At the time, Mo Lusu had gone to visit Shui Anluo but had not said anything to her.

Now, he has revealed it in front of so many people.

What was he thinking?

Chu Ningyi believes that he knows very well.

Mo Lusu elegantly went back to his seat and slowly began to eat.

Shui Anluo looked down at the clean plate in front of her, feeling a little dazed for the moment.