The Little Darling Fails In Seeking Attention

"There's nothing much to talk about." Shui Anluo calmly replied as she turned around and headed upstairs.

Chu Ningy grabbed Shui Anluo just as she was about to walk up the srairs. His brows were tightly knitted and his heart was filled with fiery rage. "What, you can talk to him but you can't talk to me?"

He had meant Mo Lusu when he said 'him'.

Shui Anluo looked up with clear annoyance in her eyes.

"I say, Director Chu, where does your jealousy come from?" She had spoken to her senior brother because she wanted to know why her senior brother had done such a thing.

On the other hand, she and Chu Ningyi just had a communication breakdown.

Chu Ningyi tightened his grip around her wrist. Shui Anluo looked down and noticed the white mark on her wrist caused by his grip. His long and slender fingers enclosed her entire wrist with more to spare. Her skin was not hurt by his neatly trimmed fingernails but the force he was using was rather strong.