This Dad Was A Troll

The rain had reduced in intensity in the afternoon so Shui Anluo was going to the hospital after she fed the little darling.

Chu Ningyi had initially planned to get Uncle Chu to send her over but after some thought, he felt that it would be best for him to send Shui Anluo to the hospital personally.

The little darling was settled into his baby car seat as he babbled and gurgled at his little paws. No one knew what he was saying but no matter how they tried to coax him, he would only keep his opinions to himself.

Shui Anluo sat in the back and the little darling only smiled foolishly at her. Shui Anluo has completely given up now.

"Little fool," Shui Anluo said through gritted teeth, feeling sorry that she was not there to hear her son call her 'mommy' for the first time.