For The Child...

"Help, help..." The army officer who had spoken next to her immediately dropped his stretcher and ran upstream.

Shui Anluo stood in the heavy rain but her body was shivering very badly. However, she had no idea whether she was shivering from being drenched by rainwater or because she had been frightened by the horrifying scene.

She had seen people being washed away by landslides before but that had been achieved by special effects. Now, this scene had actually happened in front of her.

Mo Lusu returned with the items. He placed one hand on Shui Anluo's shoulder and said, "Luoluo."

However, Shui Anluo seemed to be in shock. Her body was shaking and when she looked up at Mo Lusu, a sense of bewilderment flashed through her eyes.

Mo Lusu looked up at the army officer who was attempting a rescue and understood what had happened. He slowly inched to her ear and said, "Don't look at anything else. Hurry up and get back, I'm still here."