Love, This Was An Accident

Shui Anluo shut her eyes, instinctively trying to escape danger by fooling herself.

The sound of the wind and raindrops on leaves attacked her senses. There was also a warm hug, firm arms and... A racing heartbeat!

Shui Anluo opened her eyes suddenly. She did not have time to feel surprised when she was pelted with an angry roar.

"Shui Anluo, do you find life to be so irritating that you've deliberately tried to dig your own grave? If you're so eager to die, tell me, I'll strangle you to death myself."

Chu Ningyi chided angrily though his voice trembled.

His entire body was covered with mud, like someone who had bathed in the landslide and someone who had run through a landslide on purpose.

Shui Anluo was shocked by his scolding and could only stare at him in a complete daze. Her surprise and happiness instantly disappeared into nothing until all that was left was innocence.