Stop Being Silly

As Chu Ningyi descended the mountain, he spied a figure lingering in the shadows. He smirked and promptly avoided the figure.

When he spotted Qiao Yaruan who was still searching with the others downstream, he looked down at Shui Anluo who was sound asleep and turned around to leave.

He had to teach that girl a lesson. Otherwise, she would continue to lead his little brain-dead idiot into harm's way.

Qiao Yaruan had stopped crying but her voice was extremely hoarse, like the sound of a broken gong. She had searched along the river but could not find a thing. Instead, others at the front had managed to find two other military officers who had been swept away.

When Qiao Yaruan the voices from ahead of her, she quickly ran and stumbled toward them. Her hoarse voice demanded that they get out of the way.

Feng Feng silently tagged along behind her though he was frowning the entire way.