Director Chu's Venomous Tongue Really Doesn't Differentiate Between Targets

As the elevator arrived, Bai Yehan's frown deepened. "Boss, don't get too close to Shui Anluo for the time being. I fear that you'll regret it in the end," Bai Yehan said as he entered the elevator immediately.

The elevator door slowly closed until Bai Yehan completely disappeared.

Chui Ningyi clenched his fists as his frown deepened.

'Don't get too close to Shui Anluo?'

'What had he meant by that?'

Chu Ningyi frowned as he turned around and happened to see Qiao Yaruan and Feng Feng. He reached out to swipe the card but the elevator had just headed down so it would take some time to come back up again.

"Are you going back now?" Chu Ningyi leaned beside the elevator door as he looked at them.

None of them could be spared from his worry, especially the one in his home. He really wondered how she had managed to say those words.