Even The Baby Can't Watch This Anymore

Shui Anluo blinked and stared at the man on top of her. Even her breathing grew tense.

This distance was too intimate until it was almost suffocating.

Chu Ningyi has a smile in his eyes that could not be concealed. He lowered his head and planted a kiss on her lips but Shui Anluo closed her eyes and reached out to block his chest.

Chu Ningyi grabbed her hand with one hand. After he finished kissing her, he murmured into her ear, "Sleep. I've promised to give you time so I won't go back on my word." Chu Ningyi took the documents on the bed and placed them on the table as he spoke. He then turned off the light.

Shui Anluo rolled so she was on the other side of the little darling. It was safer to have the child in the middle.

Chu Ningyi raised his brow and did not object. Otherwise, this would become a challenge for him as well.