You Don't Interest Me

This question seemed to force him into losing all sense of rationality.

Qiao Yaruan stared at the man who was approaching her and endured the pain on her body. She glared at him haughtily. "Silver Screen King Feng, isn't this the same as kidnapping?"

"What were you doing together?" Feng Feng suddenly cut her off and asked angrily.

"Talking about everything under the sun, whispering sweet nothings," Qiao Yaruan sneered. "Or are you saying that you've fallen so hard for me that you can't break free?"

Feng Feng inched closer to Qiao Yaruan and nipped her chin with a sinister look on his face. "Whispering sweet nothings, is he that interested in you?"

Feng Feng's words pierced Qiao Yaruan's heart.

Her heart filled with harshness. Qiao Yaruan stuck her neck out and stared at the man who was inches away from her. "If you've fallen in love with me, Silver Screen King Feng, it's really unfortunate. I'm not interested in you."

"Qiao Yaruan..."