Will You Listen To Reason?

"Hey..." Shui Anluo's wrist hurts but he only tightened his grip around it.

See, this was this man's objective. He had said that she could come and see her senior brother but now that they have met, he was the one who had got angry.

Chu Ningyi dragged Shui Anluo out from the grove and immediately flung her against a car.

Shui Anluo gasped because her back hurt from the impact.

It was now close to eight o'clock. The night was closing in in the skies of 'A' City and it was the end of September.

Before Shui Anluo could look up, Chu Ningyi pushed her down immediately, causing Shui Anluo to groan again. The cold car door was against her back as his firm chest rested on her front.

"Shui Anluo," Chu Ningyi said icily as his finger lifted her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

Shui Anluo was in pain in the back and in the front. Her entire body ached and her rage immediately flared up.