The Old Man Isn't Here!

Shui Anluo woke up early in the morning and caught the faint smell of alcohol in the air. She frowned as she thought, 'I don't think I drank las night.'

The little darling was currently stretching. He had not opened his eyes yet but his little lips wobbled and looked as if he was about to cry.

Shui Anluo quickly scooped him into her arms. The little darling opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was his most beloved mommy. He grinned. He did not cry and smiled instead.

Shui Anluo felt her grief from the previous night disappear at the sight of her little darling's smile. She lowered her head and kissed the little darling's cheek. "Time to get up."

"Mama... Mama..." The little darling waved his tiny arms around and smiled. His little head turned around several times and he was about to call out for 'Baba' but his 'Baba' was not here.