A Fit Of Paranoia?

'Thank goodness Feng Feng doesn't eat tomatoes or we'll all be suffering from diarrhea', thought Shui Anluo.

She pondered over this as she dug everything out from the fridge before she finally decided to clean the entire fridge.

Shui Anluo put all the things that she cleared out into a bag. She then grabbed her phone and ordered more vegetables from an online supermarket. If anyone was plotting against them, they must have set their sights on Maid Yu. By buying their vegetables this way, this meant that they had no chance to commit more monkey business.

After Shui Anluo did all this, she suddenly wondered if she was having a fit of paranoia.

What if the vegetable seller had only applied pesticides?

Shui Anluo thought about this and sent Chu Ningyi a text message, asking him to give her a call after his meeting. She then poured some warm water and headed to Maid Yu's room.