Old Fourth Had Dragged Qiao Yaruan To The Civil Affairs Bureau!

The assistant knocked on the car door as Qiao Yaruan and Feng Feng faced off against each other. Feng Feng turned around to unlock the car and get down from the vehicle but his assistant handed his phone to him.

"It's a call from Director Chu."

Feng Feng was taken aback. He paused for a moment before he took the phone from his assistant.

"Big Boss."

"What're you doing?" Came Chu Ningyi's deep voice. He was clearly aware of the matter.

Feng Feng looked at his assistant threateningly. This fellow had the nerve to tattle on him.

"I'm marrying Qiao Yaruan," he answered honestly.

"Heh, getting married? Are you sure you're in love with her?" Chu Ningyi's voice has grown increasingly cold.

Feng Feng got down from the car and shut the door. He then retorted grimly, "Are you saying that you were in love with my sister-in-law when you married her?"