The Final Battle

Gu Juexi was no longer knocking on the door.

Ye Yuwei got up slowly and forced back her tears. She opened the door and looked at Gu Juexi who was standing on the other side of the door. "That is why, from now onward, there will no longer be anything between you and me. I will no longer put up with anything for you. I will no longer sit back and endure whatever Yu Sha'er is doing to me."

When Yu Sha'er framed her in the past, she had endured it because of Gu Juexi.

However, from the moment that she decided she no longer wanted to have anything to do with Gu Juexi, she had decided that she would not put up with it anymore.

"Gu Juexi, you had better protect your beloved. Who knows, if I am in a bad mood one day, I might expose every bad thing that she had done." Ye Yuwei said word by word. "When that time comes, Mr. Gu will finally understand what it feels like to have your loved one cast aside by others."