Things Did Not Go As Planned

"Go after her," Yu Jiangqing said coldly. Restraining his anger, veins could be seen popping up from his arm.

Yu Jiangqing would never forget this car for the rest of his life.

[On that night, it was raining cats and dogs. Yu Jiangqing was nine years old. He stood at the door of the store, waiting for his mother who was buying cake on the opposite side of the road.Suddenly, a light flashed across, a car could be seen speeding not far away. "Mom!" Watching his mother fall to the ground, Yu Jiangqing shouted his heart out. The only thing he remembered was the car's number plate.]

It was the number plate that was missing for twenty one years. The man who killed his mother had finally surfaced.

Hearing Yu Jiangqing's words, Mike could feel his suppressed rage. Mike merely nodded and went after the car in front.