You Are So Pretentious

"Stop packing," said Gu Juexi angrily. 'She can continue to put up with Grandma if she doesn't appreciate it,' Gu Juexi thought to himself and slammed the door as he left the room.

Ye Yuwei was speechless at his mood swings.

Meanwhile, Gu Juexi went to the study instead of leaving the house.

Bai Yuyan who was accompanying the old mistress sent her back to her room after noticing that the couple fought and went to the study.

"Come in." Gu Juexi who was still mad at how happy Ye Yuwei looked when he told her to pack said impatiently when someone knocked on his door.

Bai Yuyan entered the room, flipped her hair, and asked, "Juexi, am I disturbing you?"

Gu Juexi glanced at her with a long face, as if saying that Bai Yuyan was asking the obvious. But Bai Yuyan had the ability to ignore how Gu Juexi looked at her.