Song Helian Got Caught

The person whose hands and legs were chained to the stool was none other than Ye Shu, who had been imprisoned there for more than ten years. The Ye Shu who everyone thought was dead.

His lips curved slightly. He was dressed in a white collared shirt and western slacks. He straightened his back as he sat up on the stool, his smile somewhat sinister.

"The game isn't over yet," Ye Shu said cryptically. His chains clanged as he moved around.

"Even if you found my daughter, you won't win against Gu Juexi."

Cheng Jie burst into laughter. He walked around then placed his hands onto the table.

"Too bad Gu Juexi can only take care of himself right now, and that is all thanks to your beloved daughter."

Ye Shu raised his hand and gently swept his long hair away from his forehead, revealing a slightly feminine face for a man.

He was paler than Ye Yuwei. The unhealthy kind of pale.