I Didn’t Know You Held My Son In Such High Regard

Never in her wildest dreams did she think that one day they would be walking hand-in-hand through the streets.

It was really happening now.

Ye Yuwei was walking by Gu Juexi's side, but she skipped along the flower bed as they walked along.

"Can we walk properly, please?" Gu Juexi grumbled.

This way, Ye Yuwei was looking down—literally—at Gu Juexi. Ye Yuwei stood tall arrogantly, her gaze locked on Gu Juexi who was carefully holding her hand."You don't like people looking down at you," Ye Yuwei observed.

Gu Juexi was stunned and raised his head to look at her. "Except you," he said honestly.

It was said so naturally, it made Ye Yuwei's heart skip a few beats.

Gu Juexi was still holding her hand, but he had lowered his gaze and walked forward while supporting her.

She would be lying if she said she was not astonished by this. Even if there was uncertainty before, she couldn't say the same now.