I Told You, That Kid Has Bad Intentions

Ye Yuwei was not dim-witted. She listened deliberately to what Gu Juexi had to say in his impatient tone. There was rage in his tone too.

Gu Juexi opened his mouth to explain himself further but Ye Yuwei had replaced the herb basket and walked out of the room.

Gu Juexi covered his face with his hands and rested his elbows on the stone table. 

He was being impetuous. The closer he was to the truth, the more he realized he couldn't handle it.

Ye Shu and his parents, what was the true nature of the relationship between these three people?

Now, Nalan Chunbo and Ye Di had come into the picture as well.

Ye Yuwei walked to the front of the house angrily. Master Yao Lao was still seeing her patients at that moment.

So she would not get into Master Yao Lao's way, Ye Yuwei quietly tidied up the prescription papers and Chinese brushes—the usual prescription writing tools—that Master Yao Lao used.