He Is More Likely to Send Me A Cactus

It was a lie!

They were all lies!

Folklores about ghosts were more believable than promises from men!

Especially in bed!

When Ye Yuwei woke up, the room was bright from the sunlight. She stared blankly at the ceiling, feeling exhausted and in pain. Her legs and waist were sore and aching.

What exactly did he do to her last night?

With Gu Juexi's excellent physical condition, she did not have to worry about his stamina weakening for the next thirty years.

When she got up, the pain forced her to restrict her movement. She took a deep breath, cursing him silently. She swore she would not let him get his way tonight.

She went downstairs. She did not see Gu Juexi but she saw the children in the living room talking to Yuan Mo on the phone.

"Good morning, young mistress," Auntie Qian greeted her with a big smile, "I'll get your breakfast ready. Young master has gone to the office, he told me not to disturb you."