Seems Like He Went to Hide

The moonlight outside shone brightly. Gu Juexi carefully placed the sleeping Ye Yuwei on the bed. From now onwards, he no longer wanted to be involved in this. No matter what Ye Shu was trying to find out, he would have no part in it.

A hotel in the States.

In the quiet hotel room, Nalan Chunbo has his hands on his waist, next to his leg was the stool that he had toppled moments ago. The old man had escaped!

Qiao Yi was leaning in the doorway playing with his handphone.

"Yuwei is working on her visa, I think Gu Juexi might be coming here soon."

"It doesn't matter who's coming, they will all pay the price of mistreating my mother." Nalan Chunbo curled his fingers into a fist. His eyes were filled with hatred.