If She Dies, I Die

Gu Juexi's body stiffened. He stared at his grandmother in dismay and asked indignantly, "What does all of this have to do with her?"

Madame Gu held her wheelchair's armrests tightly as her maid pushed her downstairs slowly along the wheelchair ramp.

"At that time, Ye Di almost ruined our family but your mother did everything she could to protect that wench, even if it would ruin her own reputation. Now, your mother has the nerve to allow Ye Yuwei into our family! Everyone in the Ye family are monsters!" She lashed out furiously, her face flushed in rage. "You love your mother, you adore her, but her tragedy is all because of the Ye family and Ye Yuwei's aunt is the main culprit."

Gu Juexi's hands curled into fists and he repeated, "What does this have to do with Ye Yuwei?"