She Is a Criminal, and I Am a Policeman

The sun rose, the birds chirped, and waves hit the beach gently. The morning sun shone on the beach and as the waves receded, what was left behind were two people holding each other's hands. 

Gu Juexi was the first to regain consciousness. He instantly sat up and called out for Ye Yuwei anxiously. 

Then he saw the woman lying down next to him. "Wei Wei, Wei Wei," Gu Juexi quickly let go of her hand and started performing CPR on her. 

Ye Yuwei regained consciousness almost immediately after the CPR and coughed out the water that was in her chest. She could feel her throat burning from the seawater. 

Ye Yuwei opened her eyes slowly. It took a while to adapt to the sunlight, and all she could see was a man who appeared to be Gu Juexi. All she saw was a blurry image of a man, but the blurry image was a familiar one which made her feel safe. 

"Gu Juexi…" Ye Yuwei mumbled and fell into unconsciousness again.