His Pure And Innocent Answer

"There's no hurry, I'll send you home first," PA Wen looked at his watch and said. He held Xiao Yaojing's hand and walked down the stairs.

Xiao Yaojing was ecstatic. "I finally defeated Gu Juexi, did I?"

PA Wen cleared his throat awkwardly. He wanted to clarify that there was nothing going on between the CEO and him.

"Why don't we set a date for them to meet this weekend?" PA Wen suggested.

Xiao Yaojing shook her head. She retracted her hand from PA Wen's and slid it around his neck instead. "Excuse me, but is that lame idea all you could come up with?"

PA Wen frowned at her.

"Didn't you come up with a lot of crooked ideas for Gu Juexi? I know your nickname in the industry is 'the sneaky smarty pants'." Xiao Yaojing hopped onto PA Wen's back.

PA Wen hooked his arms around her legs and carried her piggyback.