Are You Reserving My Next Life?

Ye Yuwei sent an angry emoticon to Nalan Chunbo and screenshotted their chat page.

[Brother Gu's Wife: Did you see my brother's Moments?

Wen Shan: QAQ, I don't have his WeChat.]

Ye Yuwei thought that the emoticon was quite appropriate.

[Wen Shan: QAQ, he didn't add me as his WeChat friend. I only have his number but I'm blocked.

Wen Shan: Sister, does he hate me?]

Ye Yuwei read every message from Wen Shan with a heavy heart. It wasn't easy for this lady. It was once a perfectly peaceful crush, and now her crush had emerged in front of her. She couldn't even like him from afar anymore.

[Brother Gu's Wife: No, my brother rarely holds a grudge against anyone, and he definitely doesn't hate people who like him.

Wen Shan: Then why does he avoid me?

Brother Gu's Wife: No, he isn't avoiding you.]