Is It Okay to Curse You Without Involving Parents, Wives, and Children?

PA Wen maintained his modest smile and remained silent.

Though he was smiling on the inside, he was cursing in his heart.

"Have you contacted the college as I instructed?" 

Such a frantic call but not work-related at all, great.

"I have. Our company will provide all the LCD displays in the auditorium of R University. The construction has already begun and it should be completed by tomorrow or the day after," PA Wen reported. He continued after a short pause, "Professor Zhou called. He wishes to see you when you are available and requests that you come alone."

Professor Zhou?

That was Ye Yuwei's professor. What was with the invitation out of the blue?

"I see," Gu Juexi said. He looked down at PA Wen's leg and blurted out, "That's all, you can go back now."

PA Wen rolled his eyes when Gu Juexi looked away. 

Is it okay to curse you without involving parents, wives, and children?