Why the Hell Are You Angry?

Ye Yuwei's expression was serious. She wasn't being paranoid, this was the third time she had felt like this.

She explained the events to Gu Juexi in detail to persuade him to believe her.

Gu Juexi glanced outside again. There was nothing there except the heavy rain.

"I'll have someone look out for you for the time being, but don't go out alone." Gu Juexi never doubted that Ye Yuwei was being sensitive. If what she said was true, he would have to start increasing her protection and guards.

Ye Yuwei nodded. She glanced behind her one last time before following Gu Juexi back to the ward.

"Why are you cowering out here? Why aren't you going in?" Gu Juexi asked. He had seen her sitting by the door when he arrived.

"Your dad finds me irritating. I'm leaving now that you're here." Ye Yuwei didn't want to talk to him since she was still angry.