She Was Blocked

She shared the same thought. Gu Juexi should take the blame for this.

As Ye Yuwei was chatting with Qian Yikun, he seemed to reach his house. Ye Yuwei heard a familiar voice greet him, and it sounded like the woman she met at the mall the other day. It seemed that the woman was still seeing Qian Yikun.

Qian Yikun excused himself and ended the call.

Of course, his affairs were none of her business. It was a pity though as she found Mo Fei to be more suitable for a guy like Qian Yikun than that woman.


An incoming message notification. Ye Yuwei opened the WeChat app.

[Wen Shan: QAQ, I can't find Papa Nalan.

Brother Gu's Wife: …

Brother Gu's Wife: Where did you last see him?

Wen Shan: Qianfoshan, Jinan.

Wen Shan: I called the hotel, she said that Papa Nalan checked out last night and left.

Wen Shan: QAQ, what should I do now? Papa Nalan must be hiding from me.]