Mu Qi Returns

Wen Shan returned to the living room which was filled with a fragrant aroma from the cooked food.

She knew that Nalan Chunbo could cook, he had just never cooked for her before this.

This was the first time that Nalan Chunbo had cooked for her.

Cooked just for her.

Wen Shan secretly took a photo of Nalan Chunbo and sent it to Le Tian.

[Born Optimist: Tsk tsk tsk, who was the one who got bitten?

Born Optimist: That person still has a scar on their neck, right?

Shanshan deleted the photo.

Born Optimist: I already saw the photo, why delete it?

Shanshan: I don't want to let you see it anymore.

Born Optimist: I want to see it.

Shanshan: You're just jealous that I'm being chased after.

Born Optimist: Of course, I'm really jealous. I'm not the one who was bitten though.

Shanshan: Sword in the chest.jpg

Shanshan: There is no way we can communicate happily anymore.