Which Would You Prefer: Living in Fear or A Quick Result?

Nalan Chunbo took out some ingredients that had been taken out from the refrigerator and set aside, then got to work preparing them. "When booking a presidential suite nowadays, the management will enquire if the kitchen will be used. They will prepare the ingredients beforehand if the guests want to use the kitchen. The living standards of guests has increased substantially over the years, so the hospitality industry had to up their game to be able to justify their exorbitant price."

Wen Shan blinked, stunned.

Wen Shan leaned against the doorway and looked up at the ceiling. "I have the sudden urge to act out the scene of being crushed by a stone"

Back then, her father almost kneeled down and begged for mere hundreds, and now she was staying in a suite that cost tens of thousands a night.