I Like The Way You Smile

"You should go back and write the script today. Big Brother Gu is crazy. I'm afraid that he will do something to you," Wen Shan said stiffly. After all, she knew Gu Juexi quite well.

He willingly accepted Wen Shan's concern for him. However, it was not the time to write the script. They had to wait until tomorrow was over no matter what.

If it was not because of Righteous Yin, the first chapter would have been completed in the time they spent dealing with this matter.

Wen Shan and Nalan Chunbo went back to the apartment. After Wen Shan went back, she lied down on the sofa. Nalan Chunbo put down the car keys, glanced at the time, and went over to sit beside her.

Wen Shan borrowed his phone. She wanted to say thank you to If, but when she activated Nalan Chunbo's Wechat, she did not find If's contact. Wen Shan blinked. "You don't have If's Wechat?"

Nalan Chunbo did not answer. " ... "

That was because he could only log into If's Wechat.