Something Bad Was About To Happen

Ye Yuwei retrieved the first-aid kit and approached Nalan Chunbo, helping him to put some medicine on his wound.

"Wen Shan still cares about you. Otherwise, she wouldn't have called me. She even emphasized that you should remember to eat," Ye Yuwei said with a smile. "So, you should give her more time."

"I know." Nalan Chunbo looked down at his wrist that getting bandaged. He was not surprised by Wen Shan's reaction. She had already made it very obvious in the car.

On this eleven-eleven Singles' Day, Nalan Chunbo was left at Gu Mansion because Xi Xi said that she missed her uncle. Furthermore, their house was empty anyway, and he was used to having Wen Shan at home.

Therefore, Nalan Chunbo did not refuse to stay.