Watch Your Mouth

Qian Yikun's temples were throbbing.

His mother's nags swarmed into his ears wave after wave.

"Mom, Yuwei and I are like siblings. What are you thinking about?" Qian Yikun could not help but retort when his mother nagged.

At this moment, Xin Ya opened the door to head out, and Qian Yikun's sentence floated into the room.

Mo Fei paused for a moment. Hearing a sentence that clearly implied something, she subconsciously looked toward the door.

The door was not tightly closed, so she could still hear the conversation outside.

Xin Ya quickly went to the kitchen and pretended not to hear anything, although she would have to tell Young Mistress about that later.

"What siblings? Do you think I, as your mother, don't know what you're really thinking about? Weiwei is a good child, but she's married now. Jiaojiao isn't bad either. Your father and I like her."