I Am Fei The Cutthroat

Qian Yikun grabbed her waist. Mo Fei nearly punched him in the chest. "If there is another woman in your heart, don't touch me. I'll cripple you."

Mo Fei felt very aggrieved. Ye Yuwei was her friend. If there was another woman in his heart, she would go over and torture her to death. It would be like what she did to Huang Jiaojiao.

However, that was Ye Yuwei.

Therefore, this grievance caused the murderousness in her to shoot up.

Qian Yikun raised his hand to grab her wrist and caught the punch that intended to K.O. him.

"I won't deny that I did," Qian Yikun explained as he tried his best to stop Mo Fei from attacking him. "But…"

Mo Fei harrumphed coldly. This 'but' saved his life.