Reciting Lines

From Le Tian's point of view, this man definitely had issues.

What was the point of removing the scar that had been there for ages?

Furthermore, Dong Feng was no longer important to her.

Le Tian did not answer. Ding Junqi did not seem to be waiting for her answer either because he had already made up his mind. That scar was so glaring.

While Ding Junqi and Le Tian left the production team, Xin Ya followed Sis Cat back to the place that the company had arranged for her to stay. Sis Cat had her own place, so after sending Xin Ya home and confirming that everything was fine with Xin Ya, Sis Cat told her to rest early and try to improve tomorrow.

Xin Ya answered obediently. After sending Sis Cat off, Xin Ya returned to the living room and took out the script. This time, she must memorize the entire script. Tomorrow, she must not make Master Ding angry again.