Teaching without distinction, respecting your teacher’s kindness: Falling in love?

Yuan Ye:"..."

Her heart skipped a beat. This question wasn't quite right. Why did he suddenly ask this question?

"It seems like I haven't thought it through,"Ding Junhui answered his own question, then turned around and continued walking.

Yuan Ye followed behind silently. She was flustered and short of breath.

Could it be that she was sick?

Because it was not a holiday, the plane tickets were easy to buy, so Ding Junhui asked Huang Xuxu to buy the plane tickets for everyone.

Huang Xuxu smiled as she dug into the computer and studied them one by one. In the end, she bought the seats that she wanted with satisfaction.

For example, when Ding Junhui and the others boarded the plane, Huang Xuxu and the other four people's seats were in the front, but Ding Junhui and Yuan Ye's seats were at the back, and the two of them were next to each other.

Ding Junhui felt that letting Huang Xuxu buy the tickets was indeed the right choice.