He was more diligent than she thought

Ye Cong turned around and continued to discuss the wood chopping technique with his father-in-law.

Seeing Yuan Ye come in, Xin Ya grabbed her wrist and led her into the room.

"I didn't expect president ye to have such a humane side."Yuan Ye looked back at the man in the yard and sighed. Who would have thought that the man who could command the wind and rain in B city would chop wood here.

"He's mainly bored here."Xin Ya waved her hand. "Where's Professor Ding? Didn't he come back with us?"

"He had something to do in the city."Yuan Ye sat down by the bed and took the snacks xin ya handed over. "I think President Ye is enjoying himself. It's really a pleasure to relax in this place."

Xin Ya was very happy that her hometown was praised.

"Ye Cong said that you used to be a reporter."Xin Ya pulled a stool over and sat down opposite her. She asked tentatively, "Can I ask you for a Favor?"