Education without distinction: Education (2)

"Let go."Ding Junhui held the man's hand with one hand and pulled Yuan Qi to his side with the other.

"Wah... second brother..."Yuan Qi cried out loud when she saw Ding Junhui.

Ding Junhui didn't let the two men go. Instead, the airport police were called over by him because they suspected that the two men were human traffickers.

After dealing with the two men, Ding Junhui brought Yuan Qi to a ramen restaurant at the airport and ordered some ramen for her.

Yuan Qi was famished. She grabbed her chopsticks and lowered her head to start eating.

Ding Junhui frowned as he watched her eat. He reached out to pour some water for her and placed it beside her hand. "Eat slowly. I'll give you some more if it's not enough."

Yuan Qi ate as tears dripped down her face.

"I didn't scold you for crying."Ding Junhui sat opposite her and looked at the girl whose shoulders were trembling from crying.