Childhood Sweetheart, your childhood sweetheart has fallen: you are still underage

"Do you think that all the parents in the world are like your parents and let you live freely?"Fang Xu retorted. "I haven't thought about it yet."

Ruan Meng rolled her eyes, "How Old Are You? Then do you listen to your father or your mother? Didn't you learn economics to earn money? Isn't it good to do what you like with your friends? Become a soldier? Are You Okay?"

Fang Xu rolled his eyes at Ruan Meng. "What do you know?"

Yu Yanzhou didn't make things difficult for him. If his brother could come with him, that would be good, but if he had his own thoughts, he wouldn't make things difficult for him, so he didn't say anything.

"I booked a room for you guys in the hotel. You guys can have fun in B city for the next few days. I have nothing to do, so I'll take you guys to play,"Qian Leyi said with a smile.

"Here?"Ruan Meng said in disbelief, "How much does a five-star hotel cost per night?"