Sanitizing the Doggy

The day was still young and it was yet to become noon.

The Young Master loaded her onto his limousine, slid of her panties, and did her for a few hours.

The girl expected something of the sort to happen before her visit, so she'd already taken birth control pills, as she could not handle having a fourth child with her financial situation.

After they arrived at the main family building, the Young Master ordered the driver to stop at one of the family's warehouses.

They stopped at the Hygiene House, where all of the family business' hygiene products were stored.

The Young Master left the girl there and discussed something with his workers. He tasked them with keeping her there and cleaning her up until his return. He wanted to surprise his wife (27), son (3) and daughter (5) with a dog as a gift.

Before he did that though, he needed her to be free of any kind of bacteria or diseases, since he didn't want his family members to contract rabies or anything of the sort.

After the Young Master left, the workers made quick work of his instructions. They stripped the girl to her skin.

For many of the men there, it was their first time seeing a girl in such a state of undressed, much less a stranger girl.

However, all of them had to control their desires, because if the Young Master said she was a dog, then she was a dog; they wouldn't treat her like a human of the fair sex.

Hosing her down, they coated her skin with all kinds of special soap and liquid detoxifiers. They mercilessly scrubbed her and removed all her body hair, excluding the hair on her head. When removing her pubic hair, there were a few men who couldn't control themselves anymore and started viciously fondling the girl.

When they checked her cavities, they noticed seminal traces; these were from the Young Master's recent escapades in the limousine. To remove all of it, the inserted numerous cleaning devices and cleaned till she bled.

After cleaning up the traces of the bleeding, they put her on a leash and took her to the location their Young Master specified. This was the Young Mistress' private gardens.

It was still the middle of the day, and many gardeners and workers on duty raised eyebrows at the sight of the men dragging the naked dog girl.