Bathing the Dirty Dog

In front of the Children's Villa, the wife barred the doggy girl from proceeding past the gates; the filthy girl looked absolutely grotesque covered from head-to-toe in mud.

Even though the children were the same, they were her treasured darlings, so of course she would not stop them. When the son asked his mother why she stopped the dog, the mother said that the dog was dirty and needed to be cleaned before entering, or else it may dirty the place.

When the daughter asked if it could bathe with them, the wife let out a chuckle.

The wife said that dogs can only bath with other dogs, and not with humans.

Saying this, as she was about to take the girl to the family's pound to be washed, she was stopped by the son.

The son said he wanted to bathe the dog himself, since he'd seen on TV that dog owners bathe their own dogs. The Young Master was surprised by this development, and the wife was feeling very proud at her son's strong sense of responsibility.

She called the servants to bring a small, inflatable kiddie-pool and some cleaning equipment over. After filling it with water, she instructed her kids to remove the dogs collar and to push it into the pool.

The water was cold, so the service girl was shivering upon contact. The mother instructed the children that cold water worked the best to clean mud off dogs, and it was also cheaper, so they should also proceed to use cold water for its bathes in the future.

Even though the children themselves used hot water for their baths after dirtying themselves in the mud, they were humans, so it was alright for them.

The inflatable pool was meant for kids under the age of 5, and then too it could only fit one kid. Its diameter was less than 50 centimetres, so the doggy girl had to curl her legs to fit in.

Even then in her fetal position, she wasn't comfortable.

The water only made it to her belly button, leaving the rest of her upper body exposed to the air. Due to this, the mother instructed the son to force the dog's head into the water with a few pushes, so that it could get sufficient water contact.

The son, being only 3, didn't know that the dog could suffocate, so he was very harsh in his pushes. The girl could hardly breath.

Then, the mother instructed her children to get the dog out of the pool and hose her down, since the pool only helps for getting rid of the easy mud. The harder mud that sticks closer to skin needed to be more meticulously removed.

The Young Master gave the son a hose and cranked it up for him. The son immediately aimed it at the girl, and shot it mercilessly at her body. The wife and the Young Master were praising his accuracy, while the girl grimaced in pain.

After getting all the outer regions, the mother told her son about the importance of cleaning the inner regions. Saying that the dog could get infected if the inner regions were not cleaned, she communicated the importance of cleaning them to her children.

After this, she gave her daughter a brush and a bucket of soap water. She taught her daughter how to scrub the dog's skin, hair and insides. The daughter was clumsy with her method, often stabbing the service girl in the eyes or brushing the hair too hard.

When using her gloved hands to spread the girl's nethers, the daughter was surprised by what she saw inside. The wife also chuckled and gave her husband a weird look. Judging by the lack of a hymen on the girl, the wife could tell that the dog was not a virgin. The wife gave the Young Master a questioning glance as if to ask why he would let a non-virgin be their dog.

The Young Master's glance in return showed her that he would explain later.

After finishing with the scrubbing and another hosing, the wife gave both her children towels and told them to wipe off the dog to dry it up. It was not alright for a wet dog to enter the house.

Compared to the scrubbing and the hosing, the girl found the wiping less painful. After drying the dog, the daughter put the leash back on the girl. The wife then sent her servants to bathe the children.