The Journey Home

In the shed, the girl could only clean herself minimally with a small bucket of water and disposable gloves.

Removing her collar, she could only don an empty bag of fertilizer. It was big, but not big enough to properly cover her. She cut holes on the sides for her arms and holes on the bottom for her legs with a knife. The bag was settled just over her breasts, exposing ample cleavage, and it came down a few centimetres above her ass.

The bottom-end of her butt could easily be seen while she stood. While walking, it would frequently ride up to expose as much as her half ass. For this reason, she needed a hand to hold it down. For footwear, she figured she could do without it, since she was already running late and because there wasn't any material she could use to substitute as it.

Leaving the shed, she noticed that it was already night, but not too late. There were still some servants doing their duty, but no one paid her heed.

The guards at the gates were surprised to see her only wearing a poorly-made fertilizer bag. One of the guards groped her ass, but they didn't do much else because they knew she was the Young Master's property.

The girl's journey on the bus was also not peaceful. Since all her belongings were taken from her, she didn't even have bus fare. She could only ask a pedestrian for some money for bus fare on the premise that she lets him grope her.

After receving the money and being gropped for 5 minutes all over her sore body, she wore her fertilizer bag again and waited for a bus.

While she was waiting, she was almost assaulted by one of pedestrians waiting for a bus with her. Luckily she bolted before he had her ways with her. Out of breath, she realized that he'd torn a significant chunk of her fertilizer bag on the sides. The tear ran from the arm hole to the middle of her stomach. It wasn't too bad that she was unable to wear the bag anymore, but the side of her left breast was now a little visible.

Sobbing at her current state, she could only move on. After finally getting on a relatively empty bus, she immediately made her way to the back, where there were no passengers.

She didn't care that sitting would expose all her important bits because she was way too tired. The few passengers on board and the driver gave her frequent looks, and some even snapped a few pictures, but other than that nothing happened.