What’s This? Milk?!

The Young Master dragged the doggy girl out of the truck by the leash.

Her legs were sore after two weeks of disuse and she stumbled a few times while crawling.

The pair soon arrived at the Children's Villa and were met with the happy faces of the children. Even the daughter, who was previously bathed in a stream of dog shit, was happy to see the doggy girl.

The siblings embraced her tightly and were unwilling to let go. The son settled near her breasts while the daughter settled near her bum. The two were intensely cuddling her.

Because of the son's cuddling, however, the girl started to panic.

Since the girl had a child just one year ago, she still breastfed the child.

Due to this, her breasts would produce milk when stimulated. And that was exactly what the son was doing. The wife caught sight of the falling milk and was outraged. The dog girl had previously told her that she was a virgin, so how could she produce milk?

The wife shot a glare at her husband, before calling the servants to take the kids away. Soon, the three of them were alone in the courtyard.

The wife looked at the husband with an accusatory expression before looking at the girl with a murderous one. Instead of saying anything, she just walked in front of the girl, dragged her to stand, and inspected her breasts. Looking at the trails of the white liquid on the girl's skin, the wife's rage continued to increase.

Perhaps because she was disgusted to do it by herself and dirty her own hands, she asked the dog girl to fondle herself. The girl just stared blankly, not understanding. This added fuel to the wife's rage, so she shouted for her servants.

When they appeared, she chose the bulkiest one, and dismissed the rest. Than she told the servant to crush the dog girl's breasts.

The servant was taken aback with the command, but didn't dare tarry knowing the wife's character and temperament.

He grasped a handful of those tiny breasts that hardly fit into one of his meaty palms, and he started to squish with all his might. The girl let out a high pitched shriek, but she was soon muted by the servant's free hand. He kneaded her breasts harshly and played with her nipples for about 2 minutes, before milk started to form.

The wife was standing less than a metre away from the breasts, so she was easily able to catch this tiny detail.

She then commanded the servant to drink from the discharge coming out from the girl's nipples.

The servant did without hesitation. The sweet, warm milk tickled his tongue and disappeared down his throat.

When the wife asked what the discharge tasted like and when the servant said it tasted like milk, the wife totally lost her shit.

She ordered some servants to come over and spray artificial pheromones over the the girl; then, they were to transport her to the pound.

They were to feed all the dogs of mating age with aphrodisiacs and put them in a big mating pen along with the girl.

In the middle of the pen, they were to chain this girl spread-eagle on the floor so that her genitals were easily accessible to any of the dogs that wanted access.

The wife sternly announced that this punishment should last for one week, and under no circumstance must the doggy girl die during the process; if she did, then the wife told the servants to forget about their own lives.

The wife was dead serious about this.

She didn't believe that the doggy girl would have the nerve to lie to her. As a noble being with a dignity to maintain, she could not allow random commoners to trample over her pride. Hence, she would use the doggy girl as an example to warn all those of what the consequences would be if she were tested again by their foolishness again.