A Voiceless Will

Though the rich couple were well aware of what the doggy girl was feeling, they ignored her troubled expression and snickered contemptuously.

They couldn't be bothered to help her, as they were the ones that planned this situation after all.

Since the girl's leash was tied to one of the sturdy legs of the dinner table, she couldn't leave to the bathroom without the masters' permission. Now, she was in a very troublesome situation.

The disdain on the wife's face was clear as she gazed at the doggy; she felt quite pleased at how much control she had over this slutty thing; the doggy girl couldn't even relieve herself without her permission. The wife felt the entire situation was hilarious, especially the scene of the red-faced and sweating doggy girl trying desperately to hold her goods in her intestines.

Adding oil to the fire, the wife informed her children that the dog seemed to be wanting to communicate something, but she didn't explain what exactly the dog wanted to say, even though she knew clearly in her heart.

The son called the dog girl over and laughed at her face, since it was a disgraceful mess.

Thinking that she was panicking because she wanted him to help clean it up for her, the daughter fished a napkin, dipped it in water, and gently rubbed tne doggy's face with it.

The doggy girl appreciated the daughter's actions, but this was not what she wanted.

Forget about her messy face; she wanted to take a messy shit!

Though she couldn't express this in words because then she'd truly get it from the Young Master and his wife.

Seeing that the doggy girl was still panicking, the son thought she was still hungry and wanted his leftovers.

He smiled as he called her over, patting her on the head. He placed one hand under her chin, told her to open her mouth. He then placed some half-eaten bread inside, telling her to enjoy the meal.

The doggy girl didn't know what to do at this point. She tried barking, but all that did was encourage the son to put another piece of bread in her mouth.

The last thing that came to mind to solve the problem was the most disgusting thing she thought of so far.

She turned around, her back to the table, and bent over, displaying her ass to the entire family. She used her hands to point at her butthole rather obscenely, hoping to attract some attention.

The wife was so disgusted by this action that she almost puked. The Young Master wanted to stick his member in. The son was laughing his head off. Only the daughter had a somewhat stern expression on her face. Before her mother could reprimand the dog, the daughter took the cane and started beating the dog in the butt.

She kept saying that she didn't want to beat the dog girl, but she also said she was doing this for her own good. She explained to the dog girl that the dinner table was a place for eating. Disgusting things such as the butthole must not be presented here.

The girl finally couldn't hold it in any longer. Just as the cane landed on her butt cheecks for the umptieth time, a gurgling noise was heard, followed by the extreme squirting of half-solid fluids at extreme altitudes.

The daughter was hit square in the face, just as she was talking. Like the last time, the feces invaded her mouth, nose, eyes, and this time even ears. It seeped into her clothes and coated her entire being. A bit of residue also landed on the son's forehead, causing him to freak out.

Unlike the last time, the daughter wasn't panicked. Instead, she had a scarily calm expression on her face. She'd read up the previous weeks on how to treat offensive things like the dog girl, and she already thought up the perfect punishment.

Before the mother could beat the dog girl unconscious again, the daughter's loud, commanding voice erupted. The servants soon arrived at the scene. They were shocked to see the daughter of the Young Master covered in shit.

The daughter didn't care though. She simply picked up a napkin and wiped off whatever filth was on her face. As for the stench and the rest of the vile liquid-solids, she would get rid of them after a thorough bath later.

Now, her mind was only focused on settling the dog girl's punishment.