"son--- calm--down ok?" roseline tried to console andy but he would not take it

"if you got nothing to say i'm leaving .in my opinion i think you and that old man along with amanda need to visit the psychiatrist hospital. a month or two there would do you 3 good."andy said

"you-----"mr parks tried to speak but was cut short by andy

"what?wrong baby right?in your eyes i'm a switched baby. whoa!now i get it. you think i'm still a boy so you need to control me. but sorry old man im already 23. thanks for your concern" andy spoke again.

"you------how dare you speak that way to me? i--i'm your father. you---"

"see roseline your man is not sick. cant you see he's the god of good health?now you don't need to worry about being lonely tonight.if you don't mind i'll take my leave"andy said and walked out of the room.however he was obstructed by four heavily built men dressed in black suits. they were in their mid 30's.

"what's with you guys huh?''

it's boss' orders. you cannot step out of here. be prepared for breast implants young master."said one of the bodyguards called martin

what?breast implants?

andy turned to look at the smiling couple. he gritted his teeth

"how dare you----?

"son -----you are my heir but however you don't want to help me but run off to do silly things.son be responsible for once.if you wont help me run the companies then at least you won't have an easy time. you are a good designer. how will it feel like to get big boobs?i'm sure everyone would love you for your----

"dad!enough. you think you can threaten me with this? fine! breast implants right? no problem it will be good for my business. come on. take me guys are really loyal. you obey that bag of skin and bones. guys that thing on the bed is close to his grave. im not even sure he will have a grave. if he dies you won't have any jobs --------

young master please you are to remain silent. the more you talk, the larger your breasts will be."said another bodyguard with curly red hair.

"old man! you really are good''

"thank you for recognising all my efforts. i've always been a good father. just like now. im risking all i have to ensure you have a good future , peaceful life and blissful marriage. what i'm doing today--in the future you will look back with a smile"

"oh yes a smile thankful that you were cremated and your ashes were thrown into a refuse dump site where you can rest in peace."

"son this is good for your business'

"old man roseline you two better watch out?''

"sure we will."said roseline with a smile.

"boy! you haven't seen anything yet. the next step is to make your hips bigger.i wonder how you will look like by then andy parks" roseline thought

"honey please have some rest. oh how silly of me. baby amanda miss mama a lot.let me call her''

her phone began to ring. it was an unknown number.

"hello! who's this?"

"are you a relative of miss amanda?"said the caller

roseline became alarmed.

"yes. she's my baby. where is she? and are you? how did you get my number?''

"ma'am please come to the hospital. she's in a critical condition.i'll send you the name of the hospital over text."said the caller before the line went off

"honey! what happened?"asked mr parks

"its amanda! she's in a hospital right now. i'm waiting for a text from the caller." roseline couldn't sit still anymore.

andy shook his head.

"that's why i don't like women. they're so gullible. who knows if he's a scammer?"andy said

"wrong baby don't let me find out you have something to do with this."barked mr parks.

suddenly roseline's phone rang.


"its what?"

"we're in the same hospital as her. vip ward room 13."

immediately mr. parks jumped down from the bed and wore a pair of slippers.

"let's go"

andy was dragged by his shirt to the room and there was amanda ------