"Andrain? Andrain? Andrain!" shouted Geebie.

"What? Can't you just give me peace?" complained Andy. He was unhappy that he was expelled from the imaginary crazy inspirational fashion world and it's all because of Geebie.

"'ve been staring at that direction for a year now, Do you know the lady?" asked Geebie.

"I...I... She's... em... she is..." Andy was at a loss for words.

"Why am i stammering? I hate this," thought Andy. He hated he was doing something that he hated.

"Finally, you have your D-day." thought Geebie. He then smiled.

"em... Geebie? do—so you have any sketchpad and pencil with you?" Andy asked. he needed to put the newly formed designs on paper this instant.

"Big bro,why on earth will I have those things with me."asked Geebie.

"what the heck is going on with big bro today?" thought Geebie.

"now, go get me one quickly" Andy barked at Geebie.

"damn it! im now a messenger?when did this happen?"complained a sad faced Geebie.

"enough! hurry!"said Andy.